I am a horrible visual artist. People kindly tell me I am exaggerating when I say my talent is at about a 4-year-old level. One of the benefits of playing Draw Something is people now know I am not kidding. I've been called out on several particularly turdly drawings but this one was posted for several people to see, shared with husbands, and caused tear-inducing laughter in more than one country.
While I think it's obvious what it is, I have to own that perhaps my perspective is skewed. And admit it's time to start a blog. Not only of my own awfulness but the horrors that other people are creating.
Before I tell you the answer, let me share two comments:
1) Is it a crane?
2) I thought the image at the top was a mixer and the other image was a possible drawing of a state and you were maybe pointing out a city?
No, friends. It is a stapler. A. stapler.
Upon hearing this I was asked why the paper is crumpled. It is not crumpled!! Those lines represent several sheets of paper to show why you would need a staple. DUH.
But, the crown jewel of thoughts expressed about my masterpiece:
That is the worst stapler I have ever seen. I thought it was some sort of hangman gallows or something.
I look forward to sharing drawings with you, oh kind people of the interwebs.
P.S. Yes, I am legitimately trying to draw well. Yes, this is my best effort.