Monday, April 23, 2012

A Bowl Full of Crazy

It's really better to just let the submitter explain:

This is my favorite of all time and I wish I could send a video of watching it be drawn. First was the butterfly. Next the dinosaur. Followed by a mustache at the bottom of the screen creepily saying hello. Then the stars on the wing appeared followed by the sun and the tree. Lastly the red words. Stared dumbfounded at it for a bit before I passed. I asked the drawer..."yeah I had no idea what the word was so that's what I made up.". So I googled it and apparently Lil Duval is a comedian. Who knew? Enjoy!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Mr. Roboto

I see a headless robot with a corkscrew for an arm standing next to a broom. He can't figure out how he's supposed to do his chores now that he can't see and his master wanted some wine and has forgotten to put his real arm back on.

If it weren't for the words I don't see any scenario where the submitter would have guessed oilfield. 

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Hypnotizing Lips

A happy couple sits down after a long hard day to watch "American Idol." They flip it on just in time to see a close-up of Steve Tyler, who has just gotten a perm.

Update: I learned that this was part of a series of drawings for Star Trek. I'll let that soak in for a few minutes.

Monday, April 9, 2012

My Land is Only Borders Lying Around My Heart

This is a very symbolic picture about giving your heart to your country only to have it doubled and become home to a yellow floaty head.

Or it's a locket with a wonky chain. 

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Doh is Right!

If it weren't for the letters and the Doh! there are no circumstances I can imagine I would guess Homer. It is semi-human looking but the half-hearted yellow coloring does not help the cause.

The worst part is this was the third attempt. The second worst part is this was drawn by my husband.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Ride That Pony

This picture makes me a little bit cross-eyed. From one angle I see a headless fashionista. She's embarrassed that she doesn't have a head so she is trying to cover it up with a floppy oversized summer hat. Other fashion accessories include one curly-toed shoe.

If I look at it another way I see the shoulders and neck of one body sitting on top of the shoulders of another body. But is it a body? I can't understand how it can be since if that is a stick figure it has two sets of arms. So is that an open book with some of the biding unwinding on the side?

Oh wait, it's now so clear.

It's a cowgirl.


My work again. Although this one gets the job done, I really still should feel ashamed. If you're wondering why the bum has to be red, it doesn't. I just accidentally hadn't switched back to black when I began to draw the posterior portion. It looks more like the letter M. Also my poots are more nugget looking than necessary. Finally, the arrow, which I have realized I am quite determined to use in every drawing, is substandard even my the low bar I have set for myself. 

Monday, April 2, 2012


If that creature didn't make your heart squeal in horror, you are a stronger person than me. When my friend first started drawing this I thought it was an alien traveling in a pod made especially to encase its evil smile and swirl hair.

But as it progressed, I realized no, that was a baby in a carseat. The creepiest baby ever to appear on my phone. Thank you anonymous friend for giving me CBN (Creepy Baby Nightmares). 

Saturday, March 31, 2012

A Really Bad Plate of Pasta

This is showing someone's digestive track after a visit to Olive Garden (or Olive Fatden as my phone inexplicably autocorrected it to). Someone first ate all of the pasta sauce and a small amount of noodles. You can see the vast array of meatballs they consumed coming down to the pipe to the  good ol' belly.

But the letters don't seem to be quite there for that.

The letters are there for venom. I guess I can see it if you realize you are looking straight at the snake's mouth. But I thank this anonymous drawer for making me feel better about myself. 

Thursday, March 29, 2012

You Figure It Out

I have yet to figure this out or hear back from the submitter as to what this actually is. Here is what I see: A cave woman hangs on for dear life. Also tangled up in the tightrope is the number four.

Based on the letters my guesses are:

I look forward to your take in the comments.

UPDATE: The answer is Ireland. Apparently after drawing a pathetic leprechaun the artist thought outside of the box and was trying to draw Kathy Ireland connected to K Mart. I know, totally obvious. 

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Time again to humiliate myself. I thought this one was so straight forward until I got a text asking if this was a glob of slime on a doormat. Someone else said it looked like a waterfall. That guess turned my stomach a bit because the answer is nosehair and now all I can think of is a waterfall of nosehairs. Or a slimy nose left on a doormat.

Please friends, get better at guessing.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Underwater City Mugging

Take a moment and soak it in. To make your guessing more fun I've covered up the letters. Screen shot below shows letters.

This exciting scene takes place in an underwater city in front of two skyscrapers, one advertising the international corporation " li ". These buildings are also the known hangout for red swirly eyed jellyfish. The girl in the corner has flung her red purse onto the head of the smiling robber to prevent him from mugging her. He has been knocked out but is OK about it. In the ensuing kerfuffle he lost his gun, which is now floating in midair. Because of the water.


Oh, sorry. It's clearly BEATLES.

Even knowing this I am perplexed. The gun could be in reference to their song Happiness Is a Warm Gun with the towers representing The White Album. But why is that lady pounding her purse on the head of some poor Beatle?? And is that jellyfish really a hungover walrus???????

I already feel better about my drawing skills.

Monday, March 26, 2012


I am a horrible visual artist. People kindly tell me I am exaggerating when I say my talent is at about a 4-year-old level. One of the benefits of playing Draw Something is people now know I am not kidding. I've been called out on several particularly turdly drawings but this one was posted for several people to see, shared with husbands, and caused tear-inducing laughter in more than one country.

While I think it's obvious what it is, I have to own that perhaps my perspective is skewed. And admit it's time to start a blog. Not only of my own awfulness but the horrors that other people are creating.

Before I tell you the answer, let me share two comments:
1) Is it a crane?
2) I thought the image at the top was a mixer and the other image was a possible drawing of a state and you were maybe pointing out a city?

No, friends. It is a stapler. A. stapler.

Upon hearing this I was asked why the paper is crumpled. It is not crumpled!! Those lines represent several sheets of paper to show why you would need a staple. DUH.

But, the crown jewel of thoughts expressed about my masterpiece:
That is the worst stapler I have ever seen. I thought it was some sort of hangman gallows or something.

I look forward to sharing drawings with you, oh kind people of the interwebs.


P.S. Yes, I am legitimately trying to draw well. Yes, this is my best effort.